? of the Day: "Can east of the river prosper while there are 'better' options west of the river?"
Admittedly this is an overly broad question but I would love to hear reader thoughts. As long as there is land to be developed west of the river can we really expect east of the river to have a legitimate shot at quality development, housing, retail, and jobs? Can Ward 8 really expect no other investment other than job training programs, low-income rental housing and social service providers?
As someone who works toward true economic development east of the river even I have to ask myself, "Are we fighting a losing battle?"
Does every new west of the river development project and funding opportunity put east of the river farther behind D.C.'s economic development plan?
As someone who works toward true economic development east of the river even I have to ask myself, "Are we fighting a losing battle?"
Does every new west of the river development project and funding opportunity put east of the river farther behind D.C.'s economic development plan?
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