[SP] For Love of Children seeking volunteer reading tutors for elementary school students at Southeast Tennis and Learning Center

For Love of Children (@FLOC_DC) is excited to partner with the Southeast Tennis and Learning Center to offer reading tutoring to elementary school students in Congress Heights this school year. 
But we need YOUR help!

·      One-on-one tutoring allows for individual attention and a specific approach for each child
·      Students can see and celebrate their progress as you help them master new concepts
·      On average, students improve 1 full grade level after just 28 hours of tutoring
·      No experience is necessary! You just need a commitment to supporting a child’s education.  FLOC will provide training, a curriculum, and ongoing support from professional staff.
·      Volunteers must be at least 16 years old, be native English speakers, and be able to commit to 2.5 hours every Saturday morning through the end of the school year

Every volunteer who steps up means
one more student we can enroll in tutoring!

The details:

One-on-one reading tutoring for students in grades 1-5
Southeast Tennis and Learning Center
701 Mississippi Avenue SE
Every Saturday, 10:15am-12:45pm
Free parking is available!

Other FLOC tutoring sites and times available in Eastern Market,
Columbia Heights, and Adams Morgan.

Visit www.floc.org and click “Volunteer” to get started.  Or contact Elizabeth Metz,
Recruitment & Outreach Manager: 202-349-3512 • emetz@floc.org

Special East of the River volunteer orientation and training will be on
Saturday, February 8th, from 12:30-4:30pm at the SETLC.  RSVP to emetz@floc.org!

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