Are you the victim of shoddy construction work or an unethical developer?

As promised here is the post for you to share your concerns, experiences, fears, and whatever else you have encountered as a resident living east of the river.

I've heard the stories myself and thank the lucky stars I am one of the lucky ones that had a sound contractor and an honest developer (thanks to going through the MANNA homebuyer program and researching the development teams prior projects). Some of my Ward 7 and Ward 8 neighbors weren't so lucky. Their developers used contractors that cut corners and those former apartments turned condos have now turned into a real estate nightmare. The developer and the contractor are now long gone and you have a lot of homeowners with few options.


 Today I want to hear their stories (some have already posted comments in the post before this one). I think there is a story here. There is definetly a need for attention to this problem and hopefully some plans (possibly new legislation) to prevent this from happening in the future. This is why we need more thoughtful attention to be paid to east of the river. By flying so low under the radar not only do we miss opportunities for good development but we can become prey to bad development. Without the competition of honest and reputable developers and construction companies we are left to the those that cut corners -- and in the process create unsafe living conditions. So please take a moment and share your stories here. You can post anonymously if you like.  For the record the comments in the posts are their own. I don't take any responsibility for what is said. I am just providing a forum for them to say it.

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