TONIGHT | Mtng on Congress Heights metro redevelopment project

Update: The Advoc8te has plans tonight so I won't be able to make this meeting so I hope one of my readers can and will submit a write-up about this meeting to be hosted on ChotR. 

The current and future developments in Congress Heights will have a impact on Ward 8 in the areas of jobs, housing, recreation, and the environment. You are invited to the monthly meeting of the Congress Heights Community Association (CHCA) to participate in an update on the plans for a major development around the Metro station. Because of the importance of this development, the CHCA will be meeting in a larger venue. Please share the attached flier with your contacts.

Arrington Dixon, Chairman
Anacostia Coordinating Council (ACC)

Philip Pannell, Executive Director
Anacostia Coordinating Council (ACC)

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