If you want to KEEP quality retail EotR you have to SUPPORT it!

If you live or work east of the river and read this blog you really have no excuse to not have paid a visit to the new shops in the Anacostia Arts Center. Not only are both shops beautiful and fierce they are owned and operated by small business owners -- women small business owners. Lets show them some love (and sales) during this shutdown! Pay them a visit!!! It is one thing to demand quality retail in our neighborhood -- it is another to support it when it is here so do your part. If you have a group or organization and would like to coordinate a visit to the  Anacostia Arts Center send an email to Kate Taylor-Davis at kate@archdc.org

Vintage and Charmed is open Tuesday - Saturday, 11am - 7pm and Nubian Hueman is open Tuesday - Saturday, 1pm - 7pm. 

The Anacostia Arts Center is located at 1231 Good Hope Rd SE --  two doors down from Honfleur Gallery.

And now a few pictures from my visit yesterday to Nubian Hueman (@NubianHueman).

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