NURISH CHALLENGE: Let's raise $1,000 a day in LOAN funds to bring a sit-down cafe to Ward 8!

We need a cafe here!
I have a lot of readers and a lot of Twitter followers. If even half of you provided a $25 LOAN each (that will be paid back over 3 years) we can have this cafe funded in no time!

Ward 8 has over 73,000 residents and yet we only have three sit-down places to eat (IHOP, Georgenia's, and Big Chair Bar & Grill). It is clear if we want to have more quality places to eat and get together we are going to have to find creative ways to do just that. I feel that this Clovest campaign to raise $15,000 in  0% interest loan funds is just the way to do it. I repeat, the funds that are raised via the campaign are not a donation --- it is a loan that will be paid paid over 12 quarters (that's 3 years).  It is a great way for a community to fund projects for the community. It enables small business owners to dedicate their resources to growing their businesses, not paying loan interest.

The NURISH Food & Drink cafe will be located in the new Anacostia Arts Center located at 1231 Good Hope Rd SE. First priority for jobs in the new cafe will go to Ward 8 and east of the river residents! How great is that?!

Therefore, I am asking you all to please make a LOAN pledge if you can and to please spread the word. The NURISH cafe has $2,000 raised so far and needs another $13,000 by August 1st. If they don't meet the $15,000 goal they don't get any part of the loan funds raised.

So regardless of where you live, or even if you may or may not make it to Anacostia to enjoy the NURISH Food & Drink cafe we can use your support.

If you need more incentive to support this fund campaign here you go...

The NURISH Food & Drink café will contribute 15% of its profits to its parent nonprofit, NURISH: The Center for a Creative Culinary Economy, which will operate an entrepreneurial training program for young adults in Anacostia who have a passion for the food business.

To help spread the word I am providing you with some quick tools.

If you can Tweet the following that would be awesome:
Please RT! #NURISH Daily Challenge: Hey #DC Can we raise $1,000 in LOAN funds TODAY for an #Anacostia cafe?

You can also spread the word via this handy flyer:

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