Let's talk about "Southeast" DC. I want to hear from you.

Perhaps because I am considering a (temporary) move outside of Ward 8, my thoughts have moved to a more city-wide sense of where we are as as a community. I want to hear from you -- all of you -- but particularly from people who don't live or work in Ward 7 or Ward 8, what some people like to call (incorrectly) "Southeast." I want to know what you may think of us or even if there should be a "them vs. us" in the first place. I want us to answer your questions, all of them about the communities on the other side of the bridges that has so many DC residents baffled if not flat out scared.

While I am pretty sure CHotR is the most popular and active east of the river neighborhood blog I know that Congress Heights on the Rise is no Popville (formerly Prince of Petworth).  I know I get a smaller segment of the DC population vs. most west of the river neighborhood blogs. Still, I think our issues are important issues, they are DC issues regardless of the dividing line. I would like to see us spend a little more time conversing.

So with that in mind I am curious about what most of DC thinks about our spectrum of the DC rainbow. No topic is off limits, no question is too silly, no observation too small. If enough people weigh in on  this post it could actually be a really good dialogue. I suspect it could address a lot of different topics related to race, income, housing, crime, and yes, even the much debated Living Wage Amendment.

Let's talk.

I understand that in order to have an open and honest dialogue most people won't feel comfortable posting under their real name in the "Comments" section and that is okay. Feel free to post anonymously or under a screen name. I just think that the important thing is to have a dialogue today -- on just about anything.

I don't want my Ward 7 and Ward 8 neighbors to feel left out of the discussion. I would very much like them to weigh in as well and perhaps offer their opinions or answer some questions from those who want to know about life east of the river or perhaps just have a comment.

Somtimes these discussions happen more organically over Twitter so just in case I am going to create an #EotRtalk hashtag in hopes this may spark a discussion.

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