Hungry for Cedar Hill Bar & Grill Tavern
Gabriel (center), Cedar Hill's new owner gets much love in Anacostia
I was in the Anacostia neighborhood for the Cedar Hill Bar & Grill open house...which was more like a "come see what is coming" community meeting. The new restaurant isn't open for business -- yet (that pesky liquor license still needs to be obtained). But the new owner Gabriel, his partner (totally drawing a blank on his name at the moment), and their lawyer wanted to invite the community in to learn more about their plans for the former Uniontown, including expanding the restaurant to the second floor and adding a DJ booth, a second bar, and a stage!
No word on when Cedar Hill will be open for business but the new owners are hopeful it will be open in time for this year's
festival on June 22nd.
Including some photos I took of what will be Ward 8's next sit down restaurant! And not a moment too soon -- right after I left the opening I went day drinking on Barracks Row. :)
P.S. You can show your love for the Southeast quadrant by printing out
your very own Southeast Love sign
and tweeting it under the
hashtag. Spread love, not fear!
Uniontown will always have a special place in our hearts but make way for Cedar Hill
The proposed floorplan of the 2nd floor! No more waiting for a table. (I hope)
Don't get too amped. The $0 menu is just for demonstration purposes only.
Sign of the (lunch and dinner) times.
Checking out the mainfloor.
ANC 8A Commissioner, Gabriel Tripodi, and his business partner
Coming soon: a new look!
Volunary agreements = happy neighbors and a happy ANC
The 2nd floor! Oh yeah!
Imagine tables and chairs on the left, a new bar on the right and a DJ booth all the way in the back
DJ Kendall Graham demonstrating her skills on the 1s and 2s
Insert stage here
The view of W Street SE
View of MLK and W St
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