HOUSING COMPLEX | ANC Votes Down Liquor License for New Anacostia Restaurant

Cedar Hill Bar & Grill had the Proposed Voluntary License agreement
blown up to three feet tall and LAMINATED for their open house on 3/30/13

I just spoke with some ANC 8A commissioners and they are trying to put together a special ANC meeting specifically to vote on providing a letter of support for Cedar Hill Bar & Grill. Will provide an update as soon as I have it. In theory, everyone is on board to bring more dining options to Anacostia, hopefully this will be resolved quickly and the Commission can find it within themselves to improve their communication skills and timeline of action. We can't afford for them not to.

Go HERE to read the full article.


The trouble is that none of the ANC commissioners who declined to vote for the license actually seems to object to it. The ANC chair, Yvonne Moore, says she abstained from the vote out of respect for Graham; if there were a project in her single-member district, she says, she wouldn't want it voted on in her absence. Commissioner Barbara Clark tells me she voted no because she didn't have time to read the restaurant's voluntary agreement (although Graham says it was made available to the commissioners a week before the vote and displayed at the restaurant's Saturday open house) and wanted more information before approving it, although she thinks it's "a good idea." Commissioner Natalie Williams says that although she's "in full support of Anacostia and the economic development of Ward 8," she voted against it because she felt "no sense of urgency" from the restaurant operators and wasn't sure what Graham's position was. 
But now that she's been made aware of Graham's support, Williams says she'll try to convene the commission again within the next 15 days to vote again on the measure.

Cedar Hill Bar & Grill Open House on March 30, 2013

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