Happy #SoutheastLove Day!

It's here! Both of my iPhones are fully charged (and ready to tweet at a moment's notice),  I have TWO brand new Southeast Love signs ("Thanks" Kinkos on Barrack's Row!) and David Garber is wearing his lucky plaid shirt (actually I have no idea what he is wearing but odds are it's plaid, he really likes the plaid).

Let's do this!

If you are one of the few people who still don't know what "this" is take a moment and read the post before this one or check out the crib notes below.

SoutheastLove from Navy Yard

Step 1: Go HERE to print out your Southeast Love sign. (Wanna save paper? Just upload the sign to your iPhone or iPad or other display worthy piece of tech)

Step 2: Take a picture with your sign. If you happen to be in the SE quadrant of DC all the better. Show us what you love about SE. It could be your friends, family, your favorite store or statue. It could be your dog, it could be your friend's dog, it could be a hot dog. It really is up to you. This is about highlighting what you love about the SE quadrant or just show your support of the SE quadrant by posting a picture -- regardless of where you live. Southeast really can no longer be code word for "scary" so lets do something about it!

Step 3: Tweet your picture with the #SoutheastLove hashtag and let us know why you love Southeast!

Step 4: Follow the #SoutheastLove on Twitter and retweet! Can we get this to trend?

Step 5: Send a dozen salted Pretzel Bakery pretzels with lots of carmel mustard sauce to my office. Just kidding! Everyone knows the Pretzel Bakery is closed on Tuesdays. :(

The only thing that could make this picture even better
are pretzels! 
Garber (@GarberDC) and I (@TheAdvoc8te) will be riding around and taking some photos of some of our favorite Southeast people and hangouts.  We will also be taking some requests so be sure to hit us up on Twitter (this means you President Obama!) and suggest where we should go -- or send us an invite!  Last time we got to take a #SoutheastLove picture in the National's stadium in Navy Yard. I wonder what (if anything) could beat that? ;)

Including a Twitter widget so you can soak up all the #SoutheastLove in real time!

To submit an article or to inquire about advertising send an email to Advoc8te@congressheightsontherise.com