Puppy lost in Anacostia. Please help!

I remember when I first got Teddy as my foster dog he slipped out of his harness and ran away. I felt awful. Luckily, I was able to find him and five years later he is still here (and getting in my garbage cans). Please distribute this flyer and get the word out. Let's bring Maddie home. Last seen in Anacostia. More information below. 

Missing: Maddie, 2 months old, black and white puppy, 10-15lbs. Last seen: 3/19 at 4pm at 1509 U Street SE, Washington, DC. Please call 703-350-9630 with any information.

Join our group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/593927537301399/

PHOTO: http://bit.ly/maddiepic

LOST PUPPY! Her name is Maddie, and she is a foster puppy with City Dogs Rescue. She is about 11 weeks old, 15 pounds, hound/lab mix, black body with white markings, notable marking is white triangle by her nose. She is wearing a black nylon collar, but no tags. No microchip.She escaped underneath a fence in the backyard of her foster home located near 15th an U Street SE, Washington DC at 330-4pm yesterday (3/19). She is very sweet, and poses no danger to anyone who would try to pick her up or bring her inside to safety.

UPDATE 3/20 at 8am: City Dogs Rescue hired a tracker. The tracker's dog caught the scent of Maddie and followed it for a few blocks and then stopped outside of a strip mall near 15th and Good Hope Road SE. The tracker suspects that she was picked up by somebody. So it is possibly good news if she was picked by a caring soul. So now we need to post her picture everywhere to get her home. While she has a collar on her, it is believed that her CDR tag is not on it (which is very very unfortunate). So we must find her and bring her home. thanks for all of your continuing support.

To volunteer, please help by posting flyer and sharing. Email foster@citydogsrescuedc.org to help by driving around the neighborhood and handing out flyers. —

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