Help this teacher reward his students with a trip to Nationals Park

Hi Friends, 
At my school, much attention is rightly given to the students who are failing academically, but we don't do enough to recognize and reward those students who ARE making the most of their education.  
I've decided to reward all of my A and B students with of Major League Baseball during the last week of school.  
Although my students live only a few miles from Nationals Park, most of them have never been to a game. Many have little exposure to "America's Pastime."  
It will be a learning opportunity as my students experience firsthand a distinct strain of Americana and consider the economic and social issues raised by the stadium. 
I have arranged with the group sales offices for $8 tickets and am accepting contributions to cover the cost the trip through, an award-winning charity.
For the next four days, any donation you make will be doubled! Your donation will brighten my students' school year, and you'll get photos and thank yous from our class. 
To have your donation matched dollar for dollar, enter the match code INSPIRE on the payment screen. This awesome match offer lasts through March 26. 
My students and I greatly appreciate your support.  
Peace and Blessings,

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