FEB 16 | Frederick Douglass Birthday Celebration

photo courtesy of @GarberDC
Frederick Douglass Birthday Celebration
Saturday, February 16th
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Opening Ceremony 10:00 a.m. at Union Temple Baptist Church, 1225 W Street SE.,  featuring student winners of the park’s annual oratorical contest, The Washington Revels’ music group and Hari Jones, Assistant Director and Curator at the African American Civil War Memorial and Museum will deliver keynote remarks on African Americans in the Civil War and the War’s legacy today.

March back to the two blocks to Frederick Douglass National Historic Site with a fife and drum corps and enjoy a variety of activities on site until 4:00 p.m.   live re-enactors of the Massachusetts 54th Black Colored Troops will be doing an encampment behind the house that will include live firing demonstrations, kid’s activities, collect National Park Service Civil War Trading Cards from around the National Capital Region, take a tour of the Frederick Douglass House, enjoy Douglass speeches from the front porch, and experience a mobile Civil War museum in our parking lot brought to us by the Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission.  Everything is Free! 

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