Gotta love The Wells. :) 
Thanks to a very nice (and unexpected!) invitation by Ward 6 Councilmember Tommy Wells yours truly was able to experience my very first inauguration since I moved to the district in 1995. It was all that I hoped it would be and more, because I was able to spend it with fellow community advocates like Dionne Brown, Veronica Davis, and Maceo Thomas.  I had a great time hanging out in the Wilson building for the inauguration festivities. Nothing beats a Tommy Wells tour of the councilmember offices.  I had the pleasure of meeting Chairman Phil Mendelson and scoping out his beautiful historic office (he has a faux fireplace!). I finally had the pleasure of meeting Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie of Ward 5, his daughters are so sweet I think they gave me a toothache.  It was also great reconnecting with our friend (and CHotR guest blogger) Councilmember David Grosso (At-Large). Did you know that David holds office hours every third Thursday of the month from 8:30am - 9:30am at the Big Chair Cafe in Anacostia? What is not to love about that?!

I also dropped into Ward 7 's Councilmember Yvette Alexander's office, her staff was so welcoming and kept me in stitches, great group of folks. I even had a little time to drop into At-Large Councilmember Anita Bond's office and see Ward 8's very own Charles Wilson.  As if Charles doesn't already have enough on his plate he has taken the chief of staff position with the interim councilmember. I don't know if there is a business card big enough that can handle all of Charle's titles! How does he find the time? :)

Thanks to Tommy Wells and his amazing staff (special hugs to Myisha and Charles)  I even got to watch the inaugural parade from the indoor reviewing stand. Never underestimate the importance of indoor heating -- it almost made up for having to walk all the way to the Waterfront station just to get back home to Congress Heights!

All in all a great day! Seeing President Obama take the oath of office made standing in line for hours to vote for him so worth it! Oh wait, maybe that was how I felt when I saw the First Lady's coat -- one word, "fierce!"

Including some pictures from my day.

The metro ride to the inauguration was a breeze now the return trip was something else entirely. 

I think I heard my heart break, then I found out secret service just booted them as a precaution. :)

Nothing brings the city together like an intense security presence. 

Bellevue resident Dionne "Shut 'em Down" Brown stepping lively!

I came this close to wearing my red trench coat.  LOL!

East of the River Love: Dionne, Maceo and Veronica

Only Veronica Davis would have the nerve to sit in a councilmember's chair and charge her phone! 

Tommy kept us in stitches! 

I think heaven looks like this -- but with more chili. 

Charles Allen's office was transformed into a pop-up radio show by Hines Elementary Middle Students.
That's creative place making in action! 

Councilmember David Grosso stopped in to say, "hello."

The view from the top (of the Wilson building).

I think we took this exact same picture at my blog anniversary party. LOL!

The challenge of the day was keeping our mobile devices charged. 

I heart Tommy Wells! 

Only a chief of staff would make sure his shirt and his snacks matched. 

Maceo is a riot and also tall as a tree.

Dionne, Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie, and Veronica

View from the reviewing stand. $320k well spent since it kept me toasty. :) 

Councilmember Muriel Bowser was in the inauguration spirit.  I need to get a meeting with her one of these days. :) 

Our Ward 8 Councilmember looking dapper  and in the inauguration spirit. 

I took one look at this line to get into the Federal Triangle station and decided it would be faster to walk home (it was). 

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