WASHPO | Entrepreneurs east of the Anacostia share space at the Hive 2.0

This was fun! Hugs to all of the innovators, visionaries, and entrepreneurs who call Ward 8 home! :)

Go HERE to read the full article.


Not all the businesses that apply to work in the Hive are accepted, Gautier said. Some — particularly construction businesses — are eager to register mailing addresses in HUB Zones because of potential access to federal contracts, but don’t plan to actually use the space. 
“If we don’t see you, you won’t be a member,” Arch Director of Marketing and Business Development Nikki Peele said. Currently only about 10 businesses occupy Hive 2.0, with a handful of prospective businesses touring each day. 
In addition to the workspace, Arch and Capital One are planning to offer business-related workshops in the coming months to interested employees — topics will likely cover basic skills such as financial literacy, Capital One Community Development Banking Senior Manager Nancy Stark said.

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