URBANTURF | Most Improved Reputation of 2012: Anacostia

I meant to post this last week but there was so many great things happening in Anacostia that I didn't have a chance - it feels so good to say that about a Ward 8 neighborhood!

If you are curious about The Advoc8te and her day job go HERE to read the full article by Shilpi Paul.


By the numbers and on paper, Anacostia appears to be a good place to buy, so much so that the real estate website Trulia mildly obsessed over it in a post earlier this year. 
Real estate is not the only thing bringing people east of the river, however. The annual spring party Cherry Blast was held in Anacostia this year, and LUMEN8Anacostia, a months-long art party, attracted hipsters and artists to enjoy food trucks, a beer garden, live performances and an art market. 
LUMEN8 was organized by ARCH Development Corporation, which wanted to give people an excuse to visit Anacostia and lower the fear-factor associated with the neighborhood. UrbanTurfinterviewed a few of the folks behind ARCH this summer about their efforts to revitalize Anacostia through the arts, events, and their shared work space, The Hive.

To submit an article or to inquire about advertising send an email to Advoc8te@congressheightsontherise.com.