WABA Bike Repair Clinic in Congress Heights

I've had the pleasure of working with WABA on LUMEN8ANACOSTIA -- they donated their services for the bike valet -- and they also got me on a bike after a 20 year hiatus. To make themselves more available to the Ward 8 community they even set up office hours at The HIVE.  I know organizations are asking for your donation (heck I will be posting for ARCH shortly) but if you are so inclined, this is a great organization that can use your support. WABA does a lot of good east of the river.

With the prospect of a plunge off the dreaded fiscal cliff edging nearer, all nonprofits are facing an uncertain fundraising future. We will not allow our lawmakers to halt the progress we have fought so hard for this year. In fact, we are redoubling our efforts to bring our successful advocacy and programming strategies to Maryland and Virginia by hiring a dedicated Outreach Coordinator. Nelle Pierson will work with the county and state governments to provide innovative solutions to the challenges posed by suburban landscapes and road networks that accommodates vehicle travel over bicycling.  
If you haven't made your donation for 2012 yet,please consider doing so now. And consider making your 2013 donation now to avoid the potential cuts to your charitable deductions that are looming on the horizon. If you support and benefit from our work, please contribute to ensure it continues throughout the New Year and keeps pace with the growing needs of our expanding bicycling community. It is the contributions of individual bicyclists like you that fund our advocacy efforts. 
If you have already sent us your contribution, you have our deepest thanks. We'll press forward no matter where our lawmakers take us, but your donation helps ensure that we can fly past the obstacles in our path. 
Please click here to provide your tax deductible contribution. 
Thank you,
Shane Farthing
Executive Director

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