DCIST | Ray's the Steaks at East River Is Out of Business

And right on the heels of today's post about my thoughts (and frankly reservations) on the strategy for economic development in Ward 8.

I think (but I could be wrong) that Ray's the Steaks at East River was Ward 7's only white tablecloth restaurant. Ward 8 still does not have a white tablecloth restaurant. Sorry to see Ray's go, would have much rather it moved but stayed east of the river to Anacostia. However, if I had to throw my 2 cents into these things I think it would be ideal if these projects were bundled together (imagine if Yes! Organic + Rays' the Steaks were next to each other on a business corridor!) in order to have a larger and lasting impact on a community. We need more than a smattering of new projects to turn the tide of decades of neglect and poor development planning. We need density.

Go HERE to read the full DCist post.

Ray's the Steaks at East River, of the few white-tablecloth dining establishments east of the Anacostia River, has closed its doors for good, a staffer to of Councilmember Yvette Alexander (D-Ward 7) tells DCist.

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