Dear Congress Heights Neighbors,
The Congress Heights Community Association (CHCA) is your civic association and your participation is needed to improve the quality of life in our community.  Our next meeting will be Monday, August 13, 2012, 6:30 PM, in the auditorium of Saint Elizabeths Hospital, 1100 Alabama Avenue, SE.  You must have picture identification to gain admission.
There will be two main agenda items: the future development of the St. Elizabeths east campus and what can be done to clean up Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue.  The development of the east campus will involve nearly one billion dollars and will have an intensive and long-lasting impact on our community and the ward.  We need you at this meeting.  You can choose to stay home or stay involved.
The CHCA meets the second Monday of each month 6:30 PM, at the UPO Petey Greene Center, 2907 MLK Jr. Avenue, SE (unless otherwise notified).  Anyone who lives or works in Congress Heights is encouraged to join.  Membership dues are $10 per year.  Dues are not required to attend meetings.  For more information please do not hesitate to contact me at  and 889-4900.
Yours for community progress,
Philip Pannell
CHCA President

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