I love IKEA products, stores, and meatballs. I sleep on IKEA sheets, on an IKEA mattress, on an IKEA bed.  If there was a zombie attack I would take refuge in IKEA (everything you need to survive). Despite all that awesome IKEA must have the most piss poor customer service system, even worse than when DCRA was bad (yes, that bad). Sidenote: DCRA is now awesome, hugs! 

Since IKEA is wasting my time trying to find their customer service number, trying to navigate their maze of an automated system, and actually get a live person on the phone (without the phone randomly disconnecting! WTF?!)  I am going to blog/tweet about my efforts in real time to get a real live person on the phone.

Perhaps if I am lucky someone at the IKEA corporate office will actually address this problem. If nothing else I can keep my readers amused with my fast descent into madness trying to track my order.

MISSION: Find out from IKEA where Part 1 of my very large (like over $10,000 large) order is. In store I was promised the order would have been delivered yesterday but so far no email, no call, no answer at the IKEA Customer Service number.

MISSION START: 12:32pm EST The 2nd of August in the year of our lord 2012

My tweets should appear below but just in case they are not you can follow them HERE.

UPDATE: After 3 hours of calling and holding and holding and calling I got a rep from the IKEA website on the phone and after she got tired of holding and calling and holding and calling she abandoned me. :( During that time I found out that my order was never scheduled for the delivery and that it is possible to be on a "double hold." That is when you are on hold (me with website IKEA) with someone who is on hold (website IKEA with College Park IKEA).

I am seriously rethinking using IKEA products in my renovation project. I literally can't afford to be on hold this long and IKEA's apparent lack of concern for their customers is just too big a swedish pill to swallow.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Order #1 has finally been scheduled for delivery. I can't say much more than that right now as I'm exhausted. Oh, and IKEA customer service finally replied to my emails. Fingers crossed delivery #1 arrives.  I'm still a little sad that IKEA has made me fall out of love with them. We had a good thing going. :(