Did you know that the US Attorney's Office of the District of Columbia presents a monthly criminal report for all 7 districts of the metropolitan police department? The report also includes a list of everyone who was charged with a crime in the District, the charge, and the location of the offense.
From their website:

Hat Tip to Shawn Sukamur Attorney at Law
From their website:
Court Reports

The Court Report is a monthly newsletter that U.S. Attorney’s Office - D.C. produces for the community in each police district. The report contains a synopsis of significant cases where the defendant has been indicted, pled or sentenced. The Court Report also provides a listing of every individual who has been charged with a crime in Washington, DC during the month. The report is then disseminated to the community via email and at community meetings. Community prosecutors and community outreach specialist encourage the community to review the report to see if any offenses occurred in their neighborhoods and then assist the community in writing community impact statements to be presented to court at the time of sentencing.
Hat Tip to Shawn Sukamur Attorney at Law