EXAMINER | Nearly 7 of 10 employers conduct criminal background checks on all candidates

Considering Ward 8 has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country we should be mindful of all barriers to employment. What are your thoughts on employers conducting background checks? What is the balance between creating a safe work environment and providing jobs for those in need of them?

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  • Among organizations that conduct criminal background checks, 62 percent initiate criminal background checks after a contingent job offer and 32 percent initiate them after the a job interview. Only 4 percent of organizations initiate criminal background checks before a job interview.
  • 52 percent of organizations conduct criminal background checks on job candidates to reduce legal liability for negligent hiring while 49 percent conducted them to ensure a safe work environment for employees.
  • 96 percent of organizations say that they are influenced not to hire convicted violent felons while 74 percent say they are influenced by non-violent felony convictions.


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