Friday, June 29, 2012
Media Contact: Monica Hernandez – 202-671-2261, monica.hernandez@dc.gov
Off-Peak Lane Closures Possible on the 11th Street Bridges,
Related Ramps, Portions of Southeast/Southwest Freeway, I-295/DC 295 And Local Streets
From Monday, July 2 through Sunday, September 30
Lane Closures Will Be Permitted Over Holiday Periods
(Washington, D.C.) The District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT) announced it may close lanes during off peak travel times on the 11th Street bridges, related ramps, portions of the Southeast/Southwest Freeway, I-295/DC 295 and local streets from Monday, July 2 through Sunday, September 30 to accommodate 11th Street Bridge Project related construction activities.
The following off-peak lane closure is possible daily Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.:
· One lane in the eastbound direction on the Southeast/Southwest Freeway from 4th Street, SE to Pennsylvania Avenue, SE.
The following off-peak lane closure is possible daily Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.:
· One lane on the ramp from eastbound I-695/Southeast/Southwest Freeway to the outbound 11th Street bridge.
· One lane on the ramp from the outbound 11th Street bridge to southbound I-295/DC 295.
· One lane in the westbound direction on the Southeast/Southwest Freeway from Pennsylvania Avenue, SE to 4th Street, SE.
The following off-peak lane closures are possible daily Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
· One lane in the northbound direction of I-295/DC 295 between Pennsylvania Avenue, SE and Howard Road, SE.
· Reducing Good Hope Road, SE to one lane between Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE and Anacostia Drive, SE.
· One lane at a time in all directions at the intersection of Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE and Good Hope Road, SE.
· One lane of O Street, SE between 11th and 12th Street, SE.
· One lane of 12th Street, SE from O Street, SE to M Street, SE.
· One lane on the ramp from northbound I-295/DC 295 to the inbound 11th Street bridge.
· One lane on the ramp from the inbound 11th Street bridge to westbound I-695/ Southeast/Southwest Freeway.
· One lane eastbound or westbound on M Street, SE between 10th Street, SE and 12th Street, SE.
· One lane on 11th Street between O Street and I Street.
The following off-peak lane closure is possible daily Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
· One lane in the southbound direction of I-295/DC 295 between Pennsylvania Avenue, SE and Howard Road, SE.
Each night Sunday through Thursday from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next morning the closures may include:
· One lane in each direction of I-295/DC 295 between Pennsylvania Avenue, SE and Howard Road, SE.
· Reducing Good Hope Road, SE to one lane between Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE and Anacostia Drive, SE.
· One lane of O Street, SE between 11th and 12th Street, SE.
· One lane on the ramp from northbound I-295/DC 295 to the inbound 11th Street bridge.
· One lane on the ramp from the inbound 11th Street bridge to westbound I-695/ Southeast/Southwest Freeway.
· One lane on the ramp from eastbound I-695/Southeast/Southwest Freeway to the outbound 11th Street bridge.
· One lane on the ramp from the outbound 11th Street bridge to southbound I-295/DC 295.
· One lane in each direction of the Southeast/Southwest Freeway from Pennsylvania Avenue, SE to 4th Street, SE.
· One lane at a time in all directions at the intersection of Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE and Good Hope Road, SE.
· One lane of 12th Street, SE from O Street, SE to M Street, SE.
· One lane eastbound or westbound on M Street, SE between 10th Street, SE and 12th Street, SE.
· One lane on 11th Street between O Street and I Street
Each weekend from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., the closures may include:
· One lane of O Street, SE between 11th and 12th Street, SE.
· One lane and bicycle lane on 11th Street, SE between O Street, SE and I Street, SE.
· One lane of 12th Street, SE from O Street, SE to M Street, SE.
· One lane in each direction on the Southeast/Southwest Freeway from 6th Street, SE to Pennsylvania Avenue, SE.
· One lane eastbound or westbound on Good Hope Road, SE from Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE to Anacostia Drive, SE.
In the event of inclement weather or other unforeseen conditions, this work may be cancelled, rescheduled or extended as needed and an updated advisory will be distributed.
For more information about this work or the 11th Street Bridge Project, please contact DDOT Deputy Chief Engineer Ravindra Ganvir at 202-359-6948 or visit anacostiawaterfront.org/11thStreetBridge .
Visit goDCgo.com for more information on transportation options in the District
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