Support 'The Garden of Steven' Kickstarter Campaign!

A periodic growling from the mouth of the Goldenbear.
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'The Garden of Steven' Kickstarter Campaign Launches!
June 7, 2012

Chris here. For the past year Goldenbear has been working with a group of filmmakers and friends on a film called The Garden of Steven. We've got a script, story, location, cast and crew. We need your help to make this film. Today we’re launching a pretty hilarious Kickstarter campaign to help raise funds for the project. I'd be much obliged if you'd Check out our Kickstarter Page to learn more. 

If you’ve never used Kickstarter or a crowd-funding platform before, here is some more information about how it works. Basically, we set a goal of raising $30,000 over 30 days and 30 nights. If we raise that much, Kickstarter cuts us a check for the full amount and we get to work. If we don’t meet our goal, we get nothing. We’d be incredibly grateful for as much as you’re able to contribute. 

Equally as important as donations is getting the word out about the project. We worked hard to put together a really unique video to promote the film. You’ll see it at the top of our Kickstarter page. Please email (BCC’d), share, tweet, like, re-share, re-tweet, and re-email your friends, family and co-workers. The more people who click on the campaign, the more likely the project is to get funded. Please help us get the word out, and bring our comedy creation into the world.

With mucho gratitude,

Chris Keener
Director, Goldenbear

  Kickstarter    |     Movie Site     |     Facebook     |      Twitter

PS - When you share TGOS info on FB, please remember to make it a "public" status update.

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