WashPo | Library board bucks D.C. politicos on Bellevue naming

Library trustees prepare to vote at Wednesday’s meeting. (John Muller)
Go HERE to read the full Washington Post article by Mike DeBonis.


First it was the Washington Highlands library. Then it was the Bellevue library. Then it was the William O. Lockridge Library at Bellevue. Now it’s the Bellevue library again. But it’s not likely to stay that way long. 
The monthslong saga over the naming of a new $15 million D.C. Public Library branch in far Southwest has deepened, weeks ahead of a scheduled ribbon-cutting. The library’s board of trustees voted last Wednesday to undo a D.C. Council vote naming the facility after Lockridge, a community activist and school board member who died in January 2011.
That vote goes against the wishes of Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D), whovoiced support for the Lockridge naming shortly after his death, and the D.C. Council, which voted in December to overturn the board’s previous choice of Bellevue and add Lockridge’s name.

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