Nominations being accepted for the East of the River Distinguished Artist Award

Presented by Honfleur Gallery with funding from the Gautier Family
The first Annual East of the River Distinguished Artist Award recognizes a current East of the Anacostia River artist for artistic excellence as well as significant impact on the DC cultural life.
One EOR artist is honored with this $5,000 award each year.
Nominations for 2012’s East of the River Distinguished Artist Award are due by June 15, 2012.
Who is eligible?
Artists who currently live East of the Anacostia River neighborhoods in all disciplines—including dance, film, literature, music, theater, photography and visual arts—whose careers have made a substantial impact on the arts in the District of Columbia may apply. Artists must have lived East of Anacostia River for at least one year and worked in District of Columbia for more than five years. No one may receive the award more than once. No posthumous awards will be made. Application must include at least two pieces of work that have been completed or are in progress from the current year of application.
What is the purpose of the award?
The award celebrates the achievements and contributions of East of the River artists who, individually and collectively, have made an impact for the wealth of arts in Washington, D.C. Although these East of the River artists have been working in the District of Columbia over a number of years, their role in the DC cultural scene is often overlooked. In recognizing them, the award will help document the East of the River cultural history and continue the long succession of tradition EOR artists. This award is the newest component of the ARCH Development Corporation support for local artists and will be given on an annual basis.
How to apply?
Applications are accepted either by mail only or dropping off applications in person. (Please note: no feedback will be given at that time of drop off.) An application form, a one to two page description of the candidate’s career and its impact, up to fifteen (15) images or documentation of the work along with a required image script, resume and two letters of support are required. Anyone that qualifies as an East of the River artist may apply (see above: Who is eligible?)
NOTE: *All files need to be high res (300dpi and no larger than 5x7inches) burned onto a CD or flashdrive. Please see application for more details.
Who chooses the Distinguished Artist?
The panel is composed of individuals representing a variety of artistic disciplines and others well versed in the history of the arts in the District of Columbia and with specific knowledge of the East of the River neighborhoods. This panel then recommends a candidate to the ARCH’s board of directors.
When is the Distinguished Artist announced?
The deadline is June15, 2012. No extensions will be given. The artist will be notified by August 1, 2012. The East of the River Distinguished Artist Award will include an awards ceremony at the closing ceremony of the Honfleur Gallery Annual East of the River Show, currently planned for September 7, 2012, which is mandatory to attend to receive the award.
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