Anacostia Blog | Cherry Tea Cakes

Photo courtesy of Cherry Tea Cakes
Hat tip to DG-Rad for bringing this to my attention. I love bloggers, food, and Ward 8 so this blog is just about perfect. Be sure to check it out. 

Blogger: Jana

About the blog from the blog:
Welcome to Cherry Tea Cakes, a blog devoted to food and life and my little adventures. I'm Jana, a twenty something Arizonan currently living and baking in Washington, D.C. 
I started writing Cherry Tea Cakes (a play on words a friend thought up) at the same time I was considering what comes next with my practical career in politics. Like many in D.C., I came to change the world...unlike many I quickly realized I make the world a much better place with baked goods than party politics. 
How it works: My blog is small business as of this year!!! The Cherry Tea (charity) aspect comes in with my profits. What I make over expenses I donate to local food banks. Sometimes it's a little, sometimes it's a lot but it's always an adventure. 

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