Housing Available: $600 Intentional Community Seeks New Member in Congress Heights

I can personally attest that the housemates referenced in this ad are cool, caring, and most importantly - sane! :) Really great house and living environment. They invited me over for dinner a few years ago and I had a delightful time. The housemates are also very involved in the community another plus. :)

Date: 2012-03-30, 12:08AM EDT
Reply to: bpdzr-2930164556@hous.craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

Our community house is looking for a new person (or possibly two) to move in any time between now and May 1. We have a vacant first-floor bedroom with two windows, good light, a dresser and queen-size bed that you can chose to keep or not keep.

We have been established for two years in a five-bedroom bungalow two blocks from the Congress Heights Metro Station, and four blocks from Giant, IHOP, the library, and a neighborhood bar.

We have two cats, Stinki and Mamma. We have no central air-conditioning. There is plentiful on-street parking on our block.

Inspired by Quaker teachings, we are an intentional community dedicated to the values of peace, justice, sustainability, and service.
We function kind of like a family, but without the parents. We are each involved in our own stuff and sometimes don't see each other that much, but we support each other as close friends.

Our activities in community include welcoming neighbors for food and fellowship, attending community meetings, caring for neighborhood kids, and working to restore a neglected park. We run the current DC chapter of Food Not Bombs, serving lunch every Saturday.

We frequently host friends, visiting activists and protesters, and Couchsurfers from around the world in our guest room.

We have turned our back yard into a large vegetable garden where we work together to grow food year round.

Living in community means that:

-Everyone has their own bedroom and privacy within it
-We share responsibility for cleaning and maintaining the house and gardens
-We all contribute to a house budget that covers the mortgage, utilities, and food (all included in the $600)
-We take turns grocery shopping and cooking and eat dinner together when we can
-We hold house meetings to make important decisions by consensus

About the current community members:

Nathan, age 28, hails from Rockville, Maryland and teaches U.S. history to 9th graders at public schools in PG County. He is a proud union member, political junkie and unrepentant democratic socialist. Born and raised Quaker, he is energetic, passionate and driven. He has traveled a lot but loves DC the best.

George, 23, is half Palestinian and half WASP and hails, like Nathan, from Rockville, Maryland. Introverted yet hysterically funny, tall but skinny, George is our handyman. His musician father nicknamed him Duke after the jazz legend.

Lesley, an organizer and educator originally from southern California, who recently moved in.

If you are interested, we would love to have you over for dinner and get to know each other. Please email Nathan. 

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