WCP: Anacostia Holds Public Flogging For Stonewalling Nonprofit

Go HERE to read the article by Lydia DePillis.


Not coming to talk to the community was Calvary's second mistake. Its first mistake was buying on Anacostia's main street in the first place. Half the people who don't want the facility wouldn't care if it were an apartment building somewhere off in the neighborhoods, but the storefronts on Good Hope Road are seen as public property, with great potential hasn't yet been realized. "It's our gateway," as one resident put it. 
Thompson doesn't seem to understand this. When audience members asked what the facility would look like on the outside, she assured them they wouldn't even realize it was there. "You'll see nothing," she said. "It will be like you're standing in front of an apartment building." Not only that, but security guards would be pushing people along; those who've loitered on that street won't be allowed to anymore. 
But you don't want blank storefronts in a commercial area. You want something that passersby can interact with.

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