Sandra Seegars, "Please, no more group homes in Ward 8"
Press Release
For immediate release
247/249 Valley Ave., SE
Washington DC, Ward 8
Thursday, January 12, 2012
10:00 am
247/249 Valley Ave., SE, DC 20032
Contact: Commissioner Sandra “S.S.” Seegars, Candidate for Ward
8 City Council
Another group home to open in the already oversaturated Ward 8
at two newly built houses at 247 and 249 Valley Ave., SE. A resident on the
block found out last week exactly what the plans are for the properties. In
speaking to the owner of the property, he told me he wasn’t sure what he was
going to do with the property. He had Ms. Ty Johnson call me. Johnson is the
one who wants to use the property for a group home. It appears that she had no intentions of
contacting the ANC or letting the residents in that block know exactly what she
was planning.
There are too many group homes or the like in Ward 8. The
majority of the persons/organizations who open these types of facilities would
not open it on the block or in the neighborhood where they live. The residents
on this somewhat quiet block are afraid of how the group home is going to
affect their lives. The plan for 16 youth, from ages 12 to 17, is not something
the community is looking forward to.
Many Ward 8 residents feel that this ward is the dumping grounds
for these types of facilities.
Commissioner Sandra “S.S.” Seegars said, “I would like to see
some of these facilities open in wards 2 and 3.”
Below are two testimonies from residents in that block
It has recently been brought to my attention that the houses that
are being built at 247/249 Valley Avenue are intended to be halfway
houses, which is very alarming to me. I searched for months for a home in the
District, and one of the things that attracted me to this area was the
quietness of this neighborhood, as well as the home owners that have a vested
interest in ensuring that our neighborhood remains a quiet and safe
neighborhood. Although I commend the idea of a halfway home, I strongly oppose it
because I believe this halfway house will certainly threaten the tranquility,
the safety, and the property values.
As the District changes and many neighborhoods are welcoming
more retail, it was/is my hope to see more of these changes within Ward 8. This
new construction greatly damages the chances of these positive changes and
increases the likelihood of the opposite. Unfortunately, I'm out of the country
on business and I'm limited in what I can do to ensure my voice is heard. If
there is anything else I can do to prevent this halfway house from being built in our
neighborhood. I can be reached at this email
Thank you in advance,
Cicely Moore
Good Morning,
Unfortunately, I will be unable to participate
in the press conference on Thursday, January 12th, but I am in
agreement with you that ward 8 already has its share of group homes. Please let
me know if I can assist in other ways to prevent such a thing from happening.
Thanks in advance.
Betty Coleman
B.L. Coleman

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