In Pictures: Opening Receptions at Honfleur Gallery & The Gallery at Vivid Solutions

If you couldn't make it to  last Friday's opening receptions at Honfleur Gallery and The Gallery at Vivid Solutions in Anacostia you missed a really great time. The exhibits were amazing and people from all over East of the River and beyond came to check out the exhibits. A good time was had by all. Both events were FREE and open to the public.

Kudos to all the artists and photographers, volunteers, and the team at ARCH Development Corporation for making this happen. A lot of work went into putting these shows together and it was great seeing people enjoying them - especially the  young people.  Posting a few pictures from the openings but more pictures will be available on the Eat Shop Live Anacostia blog and Facebook page.

If you missed the opening receptions the exhibits will be up for the next few months. Be sure to check them out!

Second Look

Visual Audio: Inquries into Found Media

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