Jan 10 | Anacostia ArtPlace Project - 1st Community Meeting

From the DC Office of Planning:
The DC Office of Planning (OP) was recently awarded a $250,000 grant from ArtPlace to be administered in four neighborhoods across the city, including Anacostia.   OP plans to create Arts and Culture Temporiums in four emerging creative neighborhoods where vacant and/or underutilized storefronts and empty lots would be transformed into an artist showcase/village for 3-6 months.  The target neighborhoods are: Anacostia, Brookland, Deanwood, and Central 14th Street, NW. The goal is to find 2-4 blocks with both vacant/underutilized buildings and empty lots in close proximity that could be completely transformed and promote artist entrepreneurship and community building in the process.

OP is partnering with Arch Development Corporation to implement the Arts and Culture Temporium project in Anacostia.  Please join us on January 10, 2012  at 6:30pm to learn more about the project and provide feedback on preliminary concepts and ideas.

Topic:  ArtPlace Grant Project in Anacostia
Date:  January 10, 2012
Time:  6:30pm – 8pm
Location: 1800 Martin Luther King Jr., Avenue, SE
   (DHCD Community Resource Room)  
For more information on ArtPlace, please visit www.artplaceamerica.org   Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in January!

P.S. Today is the last day to vote for The Advoc8te as "Favorite DC-Area Blogger" in the Washington Post  DCTWeeps contest.
If you would like to vote for me go HERE.

To submit an article or to inquire about advertising send an email to Advoc8te@congressheightsontherise.com.