Susie's Budget & Policy Corner | Communications for DC Advocates

Check out my good buddy Susie Cambria's blog today and her new "How to" guide for advocates! Lots of great information!


Communications for DC Advocates: How-to's and lessons learned over 15 years is now available!   The 41-page guide (PDF) offers instructions, tips, and notes for writing letters, preparing and delivering testimony, holding briefings, templates for written communications, and much more.   Seehighlights here (PDF).

The cost is $35 and includes the 41-page guide (PDF) and templates for written documents (Word, .doc).   You can pay for the guide and receive it within 24 hours by using this link:

Should you have any questions about the guide, please contact me via email.
Should you wish to add your support for this guide to my blog, email your comment, name and description as you would like it to appear.

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