I'm Calling In Some Favors, Please Donate To ARCH Development Corporation For 'Give To The Max' Day On Nov 9th

Tomorrow, November 9th is the Greater Washington Give To The Max Day. For 24 hours generous people, businesses and organizations will be making online donations to nonprofits in the Greater Washington area. The goal is to raise over $3 million dollars for area nonprofits to fund programs and operations. While a lot of attention will naturally be going to some of the larger organizations west of the river I am asking you today to consider funding a nonprofit organization East of the River.

One of those worthy East of the River organizations is ARCH Development Corporation in Anacostia. Full blogger disclosure: I have volunteered with ADC and the former ARCH Training Center in the past and I currently work for ADC now (they also helped me launch my small business!). I have seen first hand the good work they do and how they try their best to bring new opportunities and renewed hope to Anacostia. ADC is about to celebrate their 21st year working in Anacostia! This is an organization in the community for the community.

Most people may be most familiar with ARCH from events at their art galleries but they also provide small business technical assistance to local business owners and entrepreneurs, they hold workshops, they sponsor local events, they combat blight, they provide free services (and event space!) to a number of local nonprofits and organizations, and they have sent several Ward 8 residents around the world for arts opportunities -- and that still doesn't cover everything that ADC does! No organization can do it all but they do far more than what many people realize and they do it because they believe in Anacostia and Ward 8. Many late nights and weekends have been spent  bringing new opportunities to Ward 8.

That being said, I am asking you, my dear friends, readers, and fellow bloggers to please support ARCH Development Corporation tomorrow for Give To The Max Day.  We have been fighting the good fight but more needs to be done. Now more than ever, we have more local small businesses in need of assistance and support. We have local artists in need of opportunities to grow, and we have areas of blight that must be transformed into areas of beauty.

I know these are tough times and they only seem to be geting tougher. But now, more than ever, is the time to support our nonprofit organizations, especially those East of the River because when times get tough they are usually the first in line to be cut. If you don't feel compelled to give to ADC please feel compelled to give to an East of the River organization. They can all use our help.

For as little as a $10 donation (and for however much you can spare) you can help fund the continued revitalization of Anacostia and Ward 8 and bring more attention and opportunities to the community that we love. All donations are tax-deductible and will give you that "warm fuzzy feeling" inside. Even if you can't make a monetary donation please encourage others to do so. Every little bit helps.

Let's support our own. Please go HERE to learn more about  ARCH Development Corporation and to make a donation.

To inspire you to give, ADC is offering some special incentives for donors:

  • Every person who makes a donation to ARCH Development Corporation on Nov 9th will receive 1 free Day Pass to The HIVE, the only coworking space in Ward 8. The Day Pass includes access to the 2nd floor, wi-fi, and 1 hour of conference time. Day Passes can be redeemed M-F, 10am - 5pm.
  • For the single most highest donation to ARCH Development Corporation on Nov 9th The HIVE will provide two FREE hours of event space on the 2nd floor of The HIVE. Hold your next event at The HIVE!

Please spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, etc. I am including a flier (above) which you can save, print, and add to your blogs, and websites. We could really use your support. 

ARCH Development Projects include (but are not limited to):

1241 Good Hope Rd SE

1922 MLK Jr. Ave SE

2027 MLK Jr Ave SE

2208 MLK Jr. Ave SE

2208 MLK Jr. Ave SE

2027 MLK Jr. Ave SE

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