ANC 5A Audit Report For Fiscal Years 2008 - 2011

I can not stress enough how important it is for ANC Commissioners and their constituents to read ANC audit reports.  It is not only a great way to ensure that your ANC is spending the funds allocated correctly but it is also an insight into how funds could be used appropriately for the benefit of a community. Last but not least it is a great way to acknowledge ANCs who have been carrying out their fiduciary and operations duties responsibly.

This is why I will be posting ANC reports even if they are not from East of the River ANCs. There is plenty to learn.

That being said I have noticed some differences from most of the reports from West and East of the River. The WotR ANCs seem to spend far less on things like telephone services and office rent and more funds on things like grants. I am not sure why that may be the case but I do have my theories.

Advisory Neighborhood Commission audit reports are available online on the DC Auditor's website. Audit are supposed to conducted for each ANC every 2 years. Be forewarned, there still appears to be "0" enforcement when it comes to ANCs; an audit could uncover serious theft and/or mismanagement and most likely nothing significant will be done about it. It is very unsettling and frankly disturbing.

Including the audit report for ANC 5A for Fiscal Years 2008 - 2011 as of March 31, 2008.

ANC 5A Audit Report

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