Anacostia Gets New...Parking Meters?

Now let's all groan together. Parking meters (or at least the sticks making up the parking meters) appeared today on the 2200 block of MLK (across from Uniontown Bar & Grill) and the  2100 block of MLK (across from the Big Chair).

Residents were not amused. One of the few really cool perks of living and working in Anacostia was not having to pay for street parking. It was one of the really nice draws of hanging out on main street Anacostia.  Will be interesting to see what ramifications (if any) this new development will have.

Word on the street (and by that I mean Mr. Jimmy) says that Councilmember Marion Barry was not aware of the plans for the new parking meters and was not amused by their arrival. I guess that makes sense,  the new parking meters are directly in front of Barry's Office of Constituent Services. Add "dodging the meter maid" on Barry's already long "To do" list.

What do you think of the new parking meters? Cost of doing business or is this another kink in nurturing economic development in Anacostia? 

2100 B/O MLK

2200 B/O MLK

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