WCP | Sweet Relief: Cupcakes Meet Bulletproof Glass at Olivia’s in Ward 8

2318 Minnesota Ave. SE Washington, DC 20020

Go HERE for the full Washington City Paper article.  What are your thoughts on bullet proof glass? FYI -- Uniontown Bar & Grill in Anacostia is now selling Olivia's Cupcakes!  Be sure to order one next time you stop by. FYI - The Advoc8te is working on a project that will hopefully introduce more folks to Olivia's Cupcakes, wish me luck!

P.S. I know everyone keeps saying Olivia's is located in Anacostia but all signs (and Fairlawn residents) point to Fairlawn. Not a biggie but I like to give neighborhoods their due props. :)


Yet, the very existence of the glassy barrier—the kind of thing you expect to see at cheap Chinese and fried chicken carry-outs, not precious bastions of buttercream—suggests the area still has a ways to go before shedding its neighborhood-in-transition label.
"It broke my heart to do that, but it’s a deterrent," says proprietor Cindy Bullock, who runs the cupcake shop alongside her husband, Bob Bullock, and their daughters, Kristina, 20, and Alexis, 18. 
“Several people asked (about the glass) and said, ‘It’s a beautiful shop, its unfortunate that you have it up,’ but we had to have it," Bullock says. 
“I have owned several business in this area and we have been robbed several times," she explains. "We wanted to make [the shop] elegant and beautiful, but because of the teenagers and having my children here we wanted to protect them.”

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