VIDEO: Rail-Volution DC Comes To Anacostia, Explores Community Development

On Monday, October 17, 2011 the Rail-Volution DC conference did a neighborhood tour with representatives of the DC Department of Housing and Community Development, DC Department of Transportation, Office of Planning, Four Points LLC, ARCH Development Corporation, The Historic Anacostia Block Association, and yours truly to discuss current and future transportation and development projects in Anacostia.  Including video from our different stops around the neighborhood, including some breathtaking views from the roof deck at the DHCD building. There were more stops than just these but a sister was wearing 4 inch heels and had to call it a day.

Representatives from DDOT discuss the status of the 11th Street Bridge project

Stephen Rice of DC Office of Planning (and Ward 8 resident!) discusses plans for Poplar Point

Stephen Rice cont'd

Maribeth from DC Department and Community Development and Duane Gautier of ARCH Development Corporation discusses public and private partnerships in Anacostia. 

Duane Gautier of ARCH Development Corporation, an Anacostia nonprofit, discusses ADC's history, mission and current projects.

Martine Combal, Property Acquisition Manager for DHCD discusses DHCD's plan for vacant and blighted property.

Duane Gautier discusses ARCH Development Corporation projects, The HIVE and Blank Space SE as catalyst to the creative economy and small business development in Anacostia and the need for government funding. 

Stan Voudrie of Four Points LLC discusses commercial and residential development in Anacostia.

Accomplishments of Historic Anacostia Review Board and Historic Anacostia Block Association

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