? of the Day: Should Drug Testing Be Required of TANF Applicants?
Piggybacking off this CNN article concerning Florida's failed attempt to require TANF applicants to be drug tested before being granted benefits. Ultimately the requirement was overturned by a lawsuit by the ACLU as a "violation of privacy" but I wanted to poll readers. Is this a good idea? Is this something DC should consider? Is this discriminatory? Does this start us down a slippery slope we should avoid? Do we have bigger fish to fry? Because I think this is more complicated than a "yes" or "no" answer I am not including a poll. Please include your comments on this post.
Excerpt from the CNN article:
As much as I hate referencing anything from Fox News I did find this broadcast on the subject.
About the injunction halting the testing requirement.
Excerpt from the CNN article:
Under the law, the Florida Department of Children and Family Services requires the drug tests of adults applying to the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. The aid recipients are responsible for the cost of the screening, which they recoup in their assistance if they qualify.
Those who fail the required drug testing may designate another individual to receive the benefits on behalf of their children, but they do not receive a refund for cost of the test.
As much as I hate referencing anything from Fox News I did find this broadcast on the subject.
About the injunction halting the testing requirement.
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