Oct 27 | Public Hearing for St Elizabeths East Master Plan Alternative

This is the final reminder for the upcoming public hearing for the DC Office of Planning to present and seek public input on the revised alternatives for the St. Elizabeths East Campus Master Plan.
Public Hearing for the St. Elizabeths East Master Plan Alternatives
Thursday, October 27, 2011
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Malcolm X Elementary School
1351 Alabama Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20032

How the hearing will work…
This public hearing is structured differently than the earlier workshops.
• The project team will present an overview of the alternatives and how the alternatives reflect public feedback.
• The next portion of the meeting will focus on more detailed presentations of the alternatives to smaller groups, and will provide an opportunity for meeting participants to indicate their preferences for the alternatives.
• The meeting will conclude with an opportunity for meeting participants who choose to make a brief statement about the alternatives into the formal record. These statements will be recorded and later transcribed.

A final hearing on the Transportation Environmental Assessment will take place later this fall.

Get on the record…
If you want to make a formal statement you must provide notice that you intend to do so by signing up prior to the hearing. No later than 5:00 p.m. on October 26, 2011 - THAT IS TODAY!, please contact Evelyn Kasongo by email or phone to add your name to the list. Make sure to provide your first and last names and street address. Comments are limited to 3 minutes.

Can’t make the meeting or have more to say…
The hearing is not, however, the only opportunity you have to provide feedback on the alternatives. Following the meeting, there will be a written comment period from October 28 through November 28, 2011. Attached to this email is list of “Where to Go” after the hearing to review the alternatives and complete a comment form. You may also visit the project website to review the alternatives and submit any comments.

If you want to know more, visit the project website:  www.stelizabethseast.com or contact:

Evelyn D. Kasongo
Ward 8 Neighborhood Planning Coordinator
1100 4th Street  SW, Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024
(202) 442-7613

To submit an article or to inquire about advertising send an email to Advoc8te@congressheightsontherise.com