WASHPO: D.C. to fight Labor Department ruling requiring ‘prevailing wage’ rates for downtown project

Go HERE to read the full Washington Post article by Mike DeBonis and Jonathan O'Connell.


Claiming a drastic effect on current and future economic development projects, D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D) is appealing a Labor Department ruling that stands to raise wages for workers on a major project underway downtown.
The June decision by Acting Wage and Hour Administrator Nancy J. Leppink applies a federal law requiring “prevailing wage” rates to the $700 million CityCenter DC project, under construction since April on the city-owned site of the old Washington Convention Center.

Among the major projects that could be affected are planned redevelopments that city officials have been plotting for years, including of the Southwest Waterfront, the east campus of St. Elizabeths Hospital in Congress Heights and the Walter Reed Army Medical Center on Georgia Avenue NW.

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