Sept 17: The Washington Ballet Auditions for 2011-2012 School Year


Photo courtesy Thearc

The Washington Ballet @ THEARC offers various dance classes for youth ages 4-18.  Children ages 4-5 do NOT need to audition for placement into the program.  Instead, parents just need to fill out the registration packet below and submit a $40 registration fee.  All youth ages 6+ will need to take part in a placement audition, where a $40 audition/registration fee will be due.  Parents are encouraged to begin filling out the registration packet before the audition takes place.
Audition Dates:  Aug 20 & Sep 17
Ages 6-8:  9:30-10:30 AM
Ages 9-11:  10:30-11:30 AM
Ages 12 & up:  11:30 AM-1:00 PM
*Children need to come dressed in ballet attire, and girls should have their hair in a bun prior to the audition.
How to register: 
Please download and complete the registration packet:  TWB @ THEARC 2010-11 Registation Packet

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