POLITIC365: District Officials, LaHood Call 11th Street Bridge Project a Job-Maker

Go HERE to read the full Politic365 article by Kenneth Mallory.


The construction of the 11th Street Bridge, a $300 million endeavor, is expected to ease traffic along the Southeast-Southwest Freeway in the District. The bridge is in Barry’s Ward 8 district.
Gray said about $190 million to build the bridge came from the Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.  He said the project provided several opportunities for the city.
“In addition to giving us the opportunity to improve traffic conditions in the District of Columbia, it’s given us an opportunity to be able to chip away at some of our unemployment rates in the city,” he said.
The comments of other officials, including Barry and Barbara Lang, president and CEO of the D.C. Chamber of Commerce, appeared to agree with the mayor’s sentiments that the project would provide jobs for city residents.

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