Oct 1: DPR Ward 8 Old/ New School Inter-Generational Family Reunion

Event: DPR Ward 8 Old/ New School Inter-Generational Family Reunion

Saturday, October 01, 2011 from 12:00pm-6:00pm
Oxon Run Park (Wheeler Road and Valley Ave) No Rain Date

Greetings Everyone,

Hope your summer is going well. This is the first official correspondence relating to the above
mentioned event, I would like to take this time to inform a few and update all others. Per some
of our brief conversations in the past; my desire remains to solicit your expertise in designing and
implementing the “1st Annual DPR Ward 8 Old / New school Inter-Generational Family Reunion!” For
those of you whom I have not had the opportunity to speak with personally, I also implore you to join
with the rest of us in an event will positively impact lives and change lifestyle choices.

The objective of the event is to: Increase Unity in the Community, Promote Peace, Decrease Violence,
Promote Healthy Lifestyles, Educate and Inspire while having fun, in a family focused venue. This will
be accomplished by collaborating with various Agencies, Businesses and Organizations which meet the
communities’ needs on all levels.

Through our years of experience, we all realize that these are high goals and expectations; but we are
paving the road for future endeavors. Our target area will be inclusive of the entire Ward. A United
Front such as all of you helps foster efforts making our impact much greater and more sustainable. As
a valued volunteer for this event; we would like to acknowledge your spirit of giving by including your
Agency, Business or Organizational logo on the program. Please, be sure to include it when you email
confirmation of reception and participation.

As we move forward with this destined to be monumental event; it is important to dispel some of the
negative stereotypes about Ward 8. As Council Member Barry has declared “This is, the New Ward 8;”
an event of this magnitude brings hope and assurance that we can continue to overcome the challenges.
Further, to realize Mayor’s Gray’s Vision of “One City,” we want to do our part in the unification of Ward

Lastly, in closing let me impart to you how encouraged I am that 80% of you already committed to the
event without hesitation! Actions, such as yours, take a vision and make it reality! Please look forward
to future correspondences relating to steering community meetings and services rendered.

Gayle Lynnette Ward

DPR Ward 8 Manager
(202) 316-4210

To submit an article or to inquire about advertising send an email to Advoc8te@congressheightsontherise.com