We Want YOU To Foursquare For River East

I think we can all agree that there is more to Ward 8 and East of the River than just Council Member Marion Barry. So while you are being social use social media to promote the organizations, businesses, and cultural spots in Wards 7 and 8. Follow The Advoc8te and other River Easters on Foursquare. Check-in all over East of the River, upload pics, tweets, and tips of your favorite places. Who knew your smart phone could be so... smart?

If you are not already on Foursquare go HERE to sign up and be sure to friend me. Be forewarned, I'm holding down TWELVE Mayorships, I am very competitive.

What is foursquare?

Foursquare is a location-based mobile platform that makes cities easier to use and more interesting to explore. By “checking in” via a smartphone app or SMS, users share their location with friends while collecting points and virtual badges. Foursquare guides real-world experiences by allowing users to bookmark information about venues that they want to visit and surfacing relevant suggestions about nearby venues. Merchants and brands leverage the foursquare platform by utilizing a wide set of tools to obtain, engage, and retain customers and audiences.

To submit an article or to inquire about advertising send an email to Advoc8te@congressheightsontherise.com