If your power goes out...

Call Pepco: 1-877-737-2662

If Your Electricity is Out – Key Steps to Take

Check to see if your neighbors are without power, too. If they have power and you do not, the problem could be a tripped circuit breaker within your own home. If the circuit breaker does not appear to be the problem, call Pepco at
1-877-Pepco-62 (1-877-737-2662) to report your outage.
If you called us once to report an outage affecting your neighborhood or street and everyone’s power seems to be restored except yours, please call us again. That usually means that we repaired the problems affecting your neighborhood or street, but were not aware that a secondary problem existed that affected only your service.
Extensive outages may generate a large volume of customer calls. During these major outages, we supplement our call center staff with employees who have been cross-trained to assist customers. In addition, our High Volume Call Answering System (HVCA) can handle up to 100,000 calls per hour to reduce the incidence of busy signals and hold times. The system works best when we have your information up to date. Please check to make sure your current telephone number is displayed on your Pepco account so that our automated Outage Management System (OMS) system can identify you and record your outage when you call. You can update your information by calling 202-835-1007. Ot                   

If Your Electricity is Out – Key Steps to Take

Check to see if your neighbors are without power, too. If they have power and you do not, the problem could be a tripped circuit breaker within your own home. If the circuit breaker does not appear to be the problem, call Pepco at
1-877-Pepco-62 (1-877-737-2662) to report your outage.
If you called us once to report an outage affecting your neighborhood or street and everyone’s power seems to be restored except yours, please call us again. That usually means that we repaired the problems affecting your neighborhood or street, but were not aware that a secondary problem existed that affected only your service.
Extensive outages may generate a large volume of customer calls. During these major outages, we supplement our call center staff with employees who have been cross-trained to assist customers. In addition, our High Volume Call Answering System (HVCA) can handle up to 100,000 calls per hour to reduce the incidence of busy signals and hold times. The system works best when we have your information up to date. Please check to make sure your current telephone number is displayed on your Pepco account so that our automated Outage Management System (OMS) system can identify you and record your outage when you call. You can update your information by calling 202-835-1007. Otherwise, during an emergency, you will be asked to stay on the line and provide your telephone number and address to report your outage.
  • Call the emergency service number, 202-872-3432 to report downed wires, burning wires, or struck poles.
  • Unplug or turn off all appliances that will come on when the power returns - they may overload our circuits. Leave a lamp switched on so you will know when the power is restored. Then you can turn your appliances back on, one at a time, over a 20-minute period.
  • Keep freezer and refrigerator doors shut; open them only when absolutely necessary. Food will stay frozen for 36 to 48 hours in a fully loaded freezer if you keep the door closed. A half-full freezer will keep food frozen for 24 hours.
  • Close shades or curtains to keep rooms cooler in warm weather. During the winter, let the sun warm rooms during the day and close shades and curtains at night.
  • If you have a battery-powered laptop computer or if you are at work and your office has power, go to the Special Alert Center for frequent storm restoration updates and to view our outage maps and work location information. During outage events, a link will appear on the home page of www.pepco.com to take you directly to the Special Alert Center.
bbherwise, during an emergency, you will be asked to stay on the line and provide your telephone number and address to report your outage.
  • Call the emergency service number, 202-872-3432 to report downed wires, burning wires, or struck poles.
  • Unplug or turn off all appliances that will come on when the power returns - they may overload our circuits. Leave a lamp switched on so you will know when the power is restored. Then you can turn your appliances back on, one at a time, over a 20-minute period.
  • Keep freezer and refrigerator doors shut; open them only when absolutely necessary. Food will stay frozen for 36 to 48 hours in a fully loaded freezer if you keep the door closed. A half-full freezer will keep food frozen for 24 hours.
  • Close shades or curtains to keep rooms cooler in warm weather. During the winter, let the sun warm rooms during the day and close shades and curtains at night.
  • If you have a battery-powered laptop computer or if you are at work and your office has power, go to the Special Alert Center for frequent storm restoration updates and to view our outage maps and work location information. During outage events, a link will appear on the home page of www.pepco.com to take you directly to the Special Alert Center.

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