Congress Heights Wildlife: Blue Tailed Skink

Spotted this little guy today while walking my dog. 

From Wiki:
The (American) Five-lined Skink (Eumeces fasciatus) is one of the most common lizards in the eastern U.S. and one of the five species of lizards in Canada. Other common names include Blue-tailed Skink (for juveniles) and Red-headed Skink (for adults).
None of these vernacular names is unique to this species, however, and it is technically more appropriate to call it the "American Five-lined Skink" to distinguish it from the African skink Trachylepis quinquetaeniata (otherwise known as Five-lined Mabuya), or "Eastern Red-headed Skink" to distinguish it from its western relative Plestiodon skiltonianus (otherwise known as Western Skink). The Blue-tailed Skink proper is Cryptoblepharus egeriae from Christmas Island, but in North America the juveniles of any Eumeces or Plestiodon species may be called this.

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