Aug 15 Ward 8 Redistricting Taskforce Minutes

Below you will find minutes from the last 2011 Ward 8 Redistricting Taskforce Meeting held at UPO Petey Greene Center, Monday, August 15, 2011: 

Ward 8 Taskforce Members in Attendance:
Chairman Reverend Anthony Motley           Anthony Muhammad, Chair ANC 8A Darrell Gaston, Chair ANC 8B     Mary Cuthbert, Chair ANC AC         M. Jay Lee, Chair ANC 8D Sandra Seegars, Chair ANC 8E         L. Yvonne Moore, Chair ANC 7B       Trayon White                   Holly Muhammad             Leonard Watson, Sr.               Absalom Jordan   Harold Thomas          Addie Cooke             Markus Batchelor  Wanda Lockridge       Rev. O.J. Johnson           Catherine Buelle        Pho Palmer                        Addie Cooke
Carolyn Johns Gray            Catherine Buelle

The meeting was called to order at 6:30:
1. Opening Prayer by Revered OJ Johnson
2.  Broke into five working groups and began counting census population to start creating first draft of ANC/SMD boundaries. Below is a listing of the working groups: 

Table A: Anthony Muhammad, Rev. Johnson, Cathrine Buell, Graylin Presbury, Carl Coles, Charles Wilson, Holly Muhammad (ANC 8A/ANC 7B01)
Table B: Darrell Gaston, Harold Thomas, Addie Cook, Jacques Patterson,
Leonard Watson, Yvonne Moore (ANC7B03), Carolyn Gray (ANC 8B)
Table C: Mary Cuthbert, Tendani Mpulubusi, Linda Miller, Marcus Batchelor,
Sr. (ANC 8C)
Table D: M.Jay Lee, Absalom Jordan,, Anthony Motley (ANC 8D)
Table E: Sandra Seegars, Joyce Scott, Wanda Lockridge, Trayon White, Pho Palmer (ANC 
3.  Discussion after Working Groups
- Chair Muhammad (Table 8A/7BO1) in their draft decided to keep 8A01 – 06, add 7B01 and 7B03, lose 8A07 and a portion of 8A06 (2,751).
- Reverend OJ Johnson wanted to note that these are only drafts and not concrete yet.
- Chair Gaston (Table 8B/7B03) wants to add 7B03 on the approval of Chair Moore (7B03). She decided she wants to go to 8A and it was decided she would go to 8A. Chair Gaston suggested they lose out on 8B04 – Stanton Glenn. He also suggested that maybe ANC7A03/01 follow the Ward 2 model.
- Markus Batchelor (Table 8C) wants to maintain Southern border and pick up along Wheeler Road around 8E. They also wanted to pick up 8A06 (North), 8A07 and 8E05 because the ANC had a major decrease in population.
- Absalom Jordan (Table 8D) started with the premise of five ANC’s and 7 SMD’s with a population of 14,602 for their ANC. They would be 222 off the average population of each ANC. This table has not thought about picking up any additional SMDs yet.
- Chair Seegars (Table 8E) decided to shift Southwest and pick up 8D02; other than that keep the same boundaries
4. Discussion of next meeting
-UPO Petey Greene Monday, August 22, 2011 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
- Community Meeting: September 15th 6 to 9 at Savoy Elementary School Gym
6: Meeting Ended at 8:40 pm