Ward 8 Summit Final Preliminary Report

Dear  Ward 8 Summit Volunteer,

Thank you so much for the help and support you gave to the Ward 8 Community Summit on Saturday, July 9th.   An all-day community meeting involving hundreds of people is a huge undertaking and it would not have been possible without the large number of volunteers who assisted in so many different ways.    You should feel a great deal of satisfaction because of the role you played in making the event such a big success.

The Ward 8 Community Summit was remarkable in many ways and has given hope to people across the ward about changes they have long hoped for may be about to take place.  The enthusiastic participation by a large crowd of residents and business owners demonstrated the commitment that people in Ward 8 have to improving their community and many exciting new ideas were generated through the table discussions.   Mayor Gray, Councilmember Barry and the other city officials that attended were very impressed by the results of the day and have committed themselves to following up on the priorities that were identified.  Attached you’ll find a copy of the final Preliminary Report that was developed at the end of the Community Summit that summarizes the insights and recommendations that were produced by the participants.

Effectively engaging people in the decisions that affect their lives is always a big undertaking and we appreciate your hard work in making the Community Summit a success!

Best regards,
The Ward 8 Community Summit Team

Go HERE to view the Ward 9 Summit Final Preliminary Report.