This Is My Neighborhood

Spotted: Neighborhood Warrior
My neighborhood may not be perfect (but show me one that is) but we roll deep when it comes to keeping our streets and sidewalks clean -- despite the elements (and the occasional litter bug). Just like the Postman's Creed, "neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" my neighbors go hard when it comes to keeping our streets in tip-top condition.

On Saturday, despite the oppressive heat,  one of my neighbors spent her morning cleaning both sides of 2nd Street SE-- including the section maintained by the National Park Service.  Equipped with a rake, broom, and seemingly limitless trash bags she proceed to collect and remove a week's worth of litter from the sidewalk, street, and bushes.  When I thanked her for her time and service she said simply, "This is my neighborhood."


Corner of 2nd and Orange Streets SE
So inspired was I by her efforts and her simple reasoning behind them that I combined my dog walk into a cleanup session of my own. Armed with a Luv's pamper box I found on the street (I felt it was very fitting) I proceeded to collect the litter I encountered during our walk. In short order I had a full box and a clean path.

I had to reflect on how such small acts of kindness inspire us all to do better and to expect more from our neighbors and ourselves. How many people would be more inclined to not discard of their trash on the street if they knew their neighbor would have to pick it up? (and probably give them the stink-eye in the process)

Why should we care? Why should we act?

If we won't, who will?

Not done yet.

You go girl! 

I "luvs" my neighborhood.

No more wire hangers! 

The path to enlightenment begins with a trash bag. 

Trash on it's way out.
Teddy on the lookout for litter (and cats). 

"Adios" litter!